Thursday, June 26, 2008


We took some cute pictures playing in the yard last night. Here are the ones of Tyrel and I.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well I no longer expect anyone I know to buy something from our Etsy store. We were informed by a friend that we weren't charging enough. Some people seem to have a mind set that if it is reasonably priced, it must be junk.
I already thought we were charging a LOT...apparently we weren't. So I upped our prices..don't look, it embarrasses me. WHO would pay so much? If anyone I know wants something Stephen makes...ask us...DON'T order it from our etsy.

I am so cheap I wait for things to go on sale at the second hand stores before I buy them.
"What? A WHOLE dollar for a skirt....I don't think so...I'll wait til half price day"

11 Months

Wow, 11 months since you were born...that's almost a year.

You haven't really "gained" any skills since last time I've just gotten faster at everything you do. So I'll just post some stories of things you have done as of late.

The first thing coming to mind is the other day, we were coming back from Junction with Daddy, and you started crying. I was eating some Rits crackers, so I handed you one. Apparently that is NOT what you wanted. You grabbed it with both hands and pulled as hard as you could in opposite directions. When the cracker broke in half, you crumbled both handfuls and threw them down. It was pretty funny....but then you just got to cry...without a cracker, since it was obviously just a "Teresa fit". (Our new name for a hissy fit, because we don't know who Hissy is, but Teresa throws pretty good fits)

Also, not too long ago, while I was standing by the computer talking to Granola (Grandmother Nola) you coughed on me and little pieces of bug flew onto my had eaten the rest I guess. Yummy, taking after Uncle Daniel.
In addition to "mooing" you can now also "bah" or whatever sound sheep and goats make, and also say "ow"
As I type this you are crouching behind the wheat bucket and popping back up to play peekaboo with Teresa.
I cannot seem to think of anything else right now...there has to be are such a character.

Hopefully soon we will be taking you to see Cowgranny and Grumpa.

Wearing the "crown" Mark made you
Eating Corn Hey you got something on your nose Another swimming picture

No we weren't grumpy, just making faces to try and keep splashing water out or our faces.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Playing Outside

Here are some pictures of Tyrel playing outside today. He didn't like the grass on his bare legs too much. (Yes Mom I know, he has people legs not bear legs.) Stephen called him Jethro when he came home, cause he is wearing overalls and no shirt.
Keeping feets out of the grass

Sitting with Mama

climbing the stairs

stop to pet Comanche

headed for Tuck (he was trying to catch flies off the porch)

Etsy Store and Ramble.

Stephen and I have started a store on etsy. Go look at it...and buy stuff. :)

I can't sell my Taggy Draggy's on there or some company called Taggies will sue me.

Anybody want some Taggy's that I can't sell? I think the way I make them is different enough that if we went to court I COULD make them.....but it isn't worth it...and I think they know that, so they scare people off.

The link is


In other news.

I went with Crystal to her first Dr. appointment. Well Nurses appointment...she see's the Dr. next time.

Just in that trip I have decided if possible I will ALWAYS use a midwife. Not that anything was bad, except for the 6 viles of blood they took, I just think I would prefer the midwife. I get to go with her again next time I think, and she will be having her first sonogram...yay. I am hoping we will get to be friends during this pregnancy. Not that we don't like each other, we are both just shy, so we don't talk much.

My littlest brothers turned 12 on the 17th!

Happy Birthday Daniel and Samuel!

I will be going to visit them soon I hope. Then they need to come back with me since they haven't been to see me since last summer.


I have a whole bunch of pictures I have meant to post for months...I finally got all the pictures off of my camera, so in no particular order here are a bunch of pictures...some several months old...that's why Tyrel looks so little in them.

Tommy finishing off the leftovers

Stephen and Tuck

Stephen and our truck..(for mom)

Camo Tyrel

Tyrel and Stephen

Here, let me help you

A rare picture of Ben

Learning Early

sleepy time

Me and Tyrel

The End

Friday, June 13, 2008

More Ty Pictures

Aren't these some of the cutest 10 months old pictures you have EVER seen? I thought so too!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tyrel Fix

For those of you having Tyrel withdrawals.

Instead of waiting a few weeks for him to be 11 months, I will go ahead and tell you some things he has been learning lately.

He is just sooo close to walking. He lets go and stands, and reaches...but hasn't actually taken a step yet. He crawls like greased lightning. Though I'm not sure that lightning would crawl...or how you would grease it.

He has been imitating cows the last few days. The first time he did I thought he was making his rev up to whine noises, but he was perfectly happy. The cow would MOOO, and he would MMMM. Then he did it again last night at the cow sale, and this morning when the cows moo'd.

The other day while we were headed somewhere with a load he picked his blanket up off his lap and hid under it, then pulled it off and laughed, he did it several times, it was very cute.

Cool Dude Ty

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Hobby

Stephen has a new (hopefully money making) hobby.

He has taken up welding. He has been making horseshoe decor. I get the first fruits of said decor, and we are going to try and sell some more of them. I think he is doing really well. I am going to try and make stuff to sell for extra cash-o-la as well. I will be making rag rugs, baby quilts, cloth diapers, and maybe some of my mom's taggy draggys.

So what do you think of Stephen's work?

Paper Towel Holder

Cowboy Hat Rack

Towel Rack

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Interesting Coincidence

Before Stephen and I got married, we let ourselves be convinced that "you don't want children right off" and other mumbo jumbo. So I started taking birth control pills about 3 months before we got married. I dragged Stephen to the Dr. with me, and the guy asked us if we went to the local high school (we were high school age). We said no, we are homeschooled. He wasn't surprised because he said if we went to the high school, we would probably have been the only couple there not sexually active. He was SO surprised, which is sad.

I had never wanted to take any birth control, but wanted to obey my (to be) husband. Well after a year and a half, I still had a daily struggle with taking the pill. Yet I continued to take it religiously. I kept them and some water by the head board of the bed. Every morning I would take one of the evil little pills. One day we were leaving for work (I work with Stephen) and I told Stephen I needed to run back and take the pill, so while he went to start the pickup, I went back and got the pill for the day. I always kept water right there so I wouldn't forget. Well I had run out of water so I popped the pill out and headed for the front of the house for water. As I went out of our bedroom my hand bumped the doorframe and the pill fell behind my dresser. I said "Well God, that was pretty clear" and headed out the door. It had been EXTRA heavy on my heart as of late not to be taking the pill, so I took that as a sign from God, told Stephen and he agreed. I have never taken birth control since that day, and never will. Because of timing, if I wasn't pregnant with Tyrel at that point, I was soon after.

Fast forward to present day. I was in the bathroom this morning, brushing my teeth and looking into our bedroom so I could watch Tyrel. He has been bad about eating rocks and mud clumps that fall off of boots onto the floor. Well I saw him pick up a "rock" to eat. I had just swept, but he pulled it from under the wall. (Our carpet was pulled up a few months ago, so there is a space under the wall where the carpet used to be that tiny fingers can reach under.)
I took the rock from him as he tried to put it in his mouth. It was blue, so I looked closer.....a birth control pill. I had only ever dropped one. Right where he picked it up from. I don't know what it would do to a 10 month old baby, but I am so grateful we didn't find out.