Friday, February 10, 2012

using words!

So I guess I just need to decide to WRITE. I can't put pictures on the computer I normally use, and the computer I CAN put pictures on won't let me post anything on Blogger.
That means I have to try and actually articulate. I tend to be a person that spares the details when I talk. Sometimes I can get on a roll and actually talk a lot, but normally, I tell the basics and call it good.


Ms. Dakota is growing so fast! She will be 3 months old tomorrow. She is fussier than my other babies were. Not really bad, but more than Tyrel or Kimber. She does not seem to care for the Ergo baby carrier. Tyrel and Kimber practically lived in it. Dakota wants to be held, facing the world, and with the person holding her to be standing and preferably walking. She smiles a lot and is starting to laugh. I just love baby laughs. And smiles. :)

Kimber has decided that being potty trained is the way to go again. I made her wear panties for about a week, taking her potty every 30 minutes or so, with lots of 'accidents'. Then she decided it wasn't worth the fight or something, and has had almost no accidents since. Which is still a LOT sooner than Tyrel potty trained. He was a good 3 1/2 before he was.

I got my garden started this week. I planted the cool weather things outside, such as peas, lettuce, spinach and I want to get cucumbers out too. Indoors I started the tomatoes and peppers. I have been reading some on GMO vegetables and such. I decided to try and quit buying corn products. So I am going to grow us some sweet corn, some corn for drying and grinding, and also some popcorn this year. We are praying for a wet, mild spring and summer. This past summer was record breaking hot and dry. The summer I was pregnant with Tyrel it rained a LOT (for here) and I don't think it hit 100* at all that summer. Which is VERY rare, but I'd sure take another summer like that.

Oh yes I guess I haven't told the blogging world some exciting news around here. This is something I really wish I could post pictures for, and when I can I WILL. My little brother Ben is ENGAGED! His betrothed is a sweet young lady whom also is a friend of mine. Back when I was 19 and she was 14 we worked together for some friends of ours, raising baby deer. Now SHE is 19 and engaged to marry my brother! I am excited to have another sister! I have to get my sisters through marriage since all I have is brothers. Congratulations Ben and Paula! Oh yeah, here is a link that my Mom made telling about them, and showing pictures of them growing up. Well of Ben growing up, and Paula now. We still need to get together and scan pictures of Paula growing up to put on there.

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